New York City

Women's Shooting Sports League

Providing a safe, educational and enjoyable environment for all levels of female shooters in the shooting sports

.22 Rifle Shoot at Westside Rifle & Pistol Range

Location: Westside Rifle and Pistol Range. 20 West 20th St. (between 5th and 6th Aves). Basement Level.

Price: $40. $35 (plus tax) will go to the range and $5 (suggested donation -- in cash, please) goes to WSSL to offset other costs (rental of our locker, additional ammo, excursions, Web hosting, etc.). You can pay the range after the event: cash, check or charge. This fee includes classroom safety instruction, private instruction on the firing line, rental of a .22 rifle, ONE box of ammo for new shooters (additional ammo is available from WSSL at $8.00/box while supplies last) and eye/ear protection.

Please feel free to bring friends. (Remind them to register in advance -- see below.) All levels are welcome (never shot, beginners, intermediate, advanced).

Time: 5:30 PM - 8:00 PM.

NOTE -- Instructors: Please arrive by 5:45 PM.

If you are a first-time shooter, or a WSSL member whose Transaction ID is more than four months old...

If you are a returning shooter...

  • E-mail Lauren Silberman so that she can give the Range an accurate count.
  • Obtain a new Tranaction ID at the Westside Rifle & Pistol Range Web site.
  • Present your Transaction ID e-mail to sign in when you arrive on WSSL night.
  • You will also need to bring photo ID with you to check in.
  • WSSL will provide ammo at $8.00/box while supplies last.

If you are a member of the Westside Rifle & Pistol Range...

  • E-mail Lauren Silberman so that she can give the Range an accurate count.
  • On WSSL night sign in using your Range membership number. Range members do not pay the $35 Range fee, but are asked to donate $5 to WSSL.
  • WSSL will provide ammo at $8.00/box while supplies last.
  • You may also need to bring other ID with you to check in.


  • If you find that you can't attend please e-mail Lauren ASAP so we have an accurate headcount for the Range. Let her know if you would like to be added to our e-mail list to be alerted about future events.
  • If you have to cancel at the last minute please call the Range at (212)929-7287 or (212)243-9448.

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